Photo credit: Robbie Bui

Depths III

Depths III (2021) by David Aguila


Paráfrasis (2013) by Melissa Vargas Franco

Production and Decay of Strange Particles

Paráfrasis - Melissa Vargas Franco

improvisation - in^set

Orison - Kotoka Suzuki

Production and Decay of Strange Particles - Igancio Baca Lobera


unknown - Nasim Kohrassani

47 - Wilfrido Terrazas

In Praise of Shadows - Kotoka Suzuki

Second Nightmare for Kiku - Natacha Diels


a tale of three cities

A tale of three cities is a collection of collaborative compositions by David Aguila, Teresa Díaz de Cossio and Ilana Waniuk. The trio of flute, trumpet and violin has been playing together since 2018 performing notated, graphic and improvisatory works.

A tale of three cities provides an opportunity for each member to compose with asynchronicity in mind; each member is in a distant physical location; Ensenada; Mexico, San Diego; California, Toronto; Canada. In working asynchronously, a form of recomposition is used sculpting the sonic for a Covid landscape. The compositions are presented with video, allowing for each member exploratory expression through a visual and sonic medium.


Little Pods - Ilana Waniuk

A fish tale - Teresa Díaz de Cossio

a collection of fragile moments - David Aguila


Unknown (2018) by Nasim Khorassani